Orientation to the College and the Course
Orientation to the College and the Course
Student services staff will organize your orientation. On your first day at our College the team will welcome you, answer your questions and give you information. This is called student orientation.
The orientation program includes:

- About the College and welcome
- Student support services available to students
- Course timetable and delivery
- Log in and using the online systems at our College
- Rules of the College
- Course progress requirements
- Attendance requirements
- USI (Unique Student Identifier) set up
- Contact persons at our College
- Emergencies 24/7 mobile phone
- Tour of the facilities and resources
- Use of computers and mobile phones and devices
- Use of printer and photocopier
- Maintenance of the equipment
- Help outside – legal services
- Medical information and emergency and health services
- Complaints and appeals processes
- Work visas
- Safety using public transport
- How to keep your property safe
- Walking tour of the area
- Overseas Student Ombudsman
- RPL (Recognition) and Credit Transfer (Advanced standing or exemption)
- College transfer
You must attend an orientation session and sign off on this activity. We will ask you to complete a form that updates your personal details for the College database and provides more information about your background and any special needs that we must collect as a registered training organisation.