Southern Academy of Business and Technology(SABT)

Entry Into Australia

Welcome to Australian culture

You will probably notice some lifestyle differences between Australia and your home country. Here are some insights into Australian culture:
Australians are quite casual and informal. For example, most Australian students refer to their lecturers and tutors by their first names.
Australians expect everyone to be treated equally. It is customary to thank shop assistants and
other service staff when they assist you.
It is important to be on time in Australia — it is polite to call if you are going to be late for an appointment.
Smoking is not permitted in restaurants, bars, nightclubs and many other public covered areas, such as train stations.
Littering is prohibited, as is drinking alcohol in a public places.
Most Australians will be happy to help you if you’re unsure of something.

Working in Australia

Most student visa holders can work up to 48 hours a fortnight during term time and as many hours as you like during holidays.  Before you undertake any paid work you need to make sure your visa allows you to work. Find out more at the

You should also visit the following website to find out more about working in Australia, including your employment rights and conditions.

If you require any further information about your workplace rights and obligations, for example, resolving a workplace dispute, visit the Fair Work Ombudsman site at



Living costs

Living costs

12-month living costs are for:

  • students or guardians – AUD 29,710
  • partners coming with you – AUD 10,394
  • a child coming with you – AUD 4,449

For the latest advice on living costs, visit:

Your living costs will vary according to factors such as your lifestyle and location. To give you an idea of what you might expect to spend on living expenses each week, the Australian Government has provided a guide:

Typically the capital cities have the highest living costs, with the biggest cities — Sydney and Melbourne — usually being at the upper end of the spectrum and smaller cities such as Adelaide and Hobart being the cheapest. Cost estimates were sourced from the Australian Government’s Study in Australia website in 2018. When you arrive in Australia, you will need to show your passport and incoming passenger card at a Customs and Immigration checkpoint. You may be asked questions about your stay before your passport is stamped and handed back. Once you have passed through the Immigration checkpoint, you should collect your bags ensuring that you check your baggage and check that nothing is missing or damaged. If something is missing or you notice damage, go to the baggage counter and advise them of your problem. Staff at the baggage counter will help you to find missing baggage or lodge a claim for damage to your belongings. Once you have your luggage you will go through customs where your luggage may be checked. Australia has strict quarantine laws to stop people from bringing in certain food and plant items. You should declare any items that you are bringing in on the form given to you on the plane. If customs officers decide that the item you are bringing in are not safe, they will be confiscated and destroyed. If you fail to declare or dispose of any quarantine items, or make a false declaration, you may receive a fine or be prosecuted. All international mail is also screened and checked by customs. If you want further information, visit the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) website at