Southern Academy of Business and Technology(SABT)

ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology

Australian Training School trading as Southern Academy of Business and Technology
RTO Code: 31595
CRICOS Provider Code: 03602E


78 Weeks.




Sydney, Adelaide

About This Course
Course Overview

This qualification reflects the role of individuals in a variety of information and communications technology (ICT) roles who have established specialised skills in a technical ICT function.  

Individuals in these roles carry out moderately complex tasks in specialist fields, working independently, as part of a team or leading deliverables with others. They may apply their skills across a wide range of industries, business functions and departments, or as a business owner (sole trader/contractor). 

The skills required for these roles may include, but are not restricted to: 

  • Advanced networking: configuring and managing virtual computing environments, and security within ICT networks. 
  • Cyber security: protecting sensitive data and information through security architecture and developing disaster recovery and contingency plans. 

Course Requirements

Six (6) core units and fourteen (14) elective units are required for the award of the ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology. Units have been selected in accordance with the packaging rules and are relevant to the work outcome, local industry requirements and qualification level.  

The latest release of the qualification and packaging rules can be found at the following link: 

Course Structure

BSBCRT512Originate and develop conceptsCore
BSBXCS402Promote workplace cyber security awareness and best practicesCore
BSBXTW401Lead and facilitate a teamCore
ICTICT517Match ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisationCore
ICTICT532Apply IP, ethics and privacy in ICT environmentsCore
ICTSAS527Manage client problemsCore
BSBPMG536Manage project riskElective
ICTCYS407Gather, analyse and interpret threat dataElective
ICTCYS610Protect critical infrastructure for organisationsElective
ICTCYS613Utilise design methodologies for security architectureElective
ICTDBS506Design databasesElective
ICTDBS507Integrate databases with websitesElective
ICTNWK615Design and configure desktop virtualisationElective
ICTPRG532Apply advanced object-oriented language skillsElective
ICTPRG605Manage development of technical solutions from business specificationsElective
ICTSAD509Produce ICT feasibility reportsElective
ICTSAS512Review and manage delivery of maintenance servicesElective
ICTSAS518Install and upgrade operating systemsElective
ICTSAS524Develop, implement and evaluate an incident response planElective
ICTSAS526Review and update disaster recovery and contingency plansElective


Australian Training School trading as Southern Academy of Business and Technology
RTO Code: 31595
CRICOS Provider Code: 03602E

Entry Requirements

Southern Academy of Business and Technology has the following entry requirements: 

Students must: 

  • Be at least 18 years of age and have completed Year 12 or equivalent.
  • Have an IELTS* score of 5.5 (test results must be no more than 2 years old). English language competence can also be demonstrated through documented evidence of any of the following:
    • the student has successfully completed a foundation course in Australia;
    • the student has successfully completed at least 6 months of a Certificate IV level course in an Australian RTO;
    • Educated for 5 years in an English-speaking country; or
    • Successful completion of LLN test.
  • Participate in activities to determine suitability for the course and student needs, as required.

*Note that other English language tests such as PTE and TOEFL can be accepted. Students are required to provide their results so that it can be confirmed they are equivalent to IELTS 5.5. 

Course specific entry requirements: 

  • Not applicable

Course Duration

This qualification will be delivered over 78 weeks, including 60 weeks of training and assessment spread over 6 terms of 10 weeks each and 18 weeks of holidays.  

Delivery Mode and Location

This program is delivered in the classroom and through structured self-study.

Delivery site includes:

Sydney Campus: 95 Bathurst Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 

Adelaide Campus:  97 Pirie St, Adelaide, SA 5000 

Learner Characteristics and Target Group

Target groups for the ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology are students who are: 

  • Are seeking to pursue or further a career in information technology. 
  • Seeking to enter a new industry sector. 
  • Are seeking a pathway to higher education qualifications. 

Characteristics of the target group are as follows: 

Students will usually be new entrants. However, credit and/or RPL can be provided for those with existing skills and knowledge allowing such students to complete the course in a shorter timeframe. 

Students will be from a range of countries and may be living in Australia for the first time or may have been here in the recent or more distant past.  

Many will speak English as a second language, although an entry-level has been set to ensure students are able to complete course work.  

Students are expected to typically fall into the age range of 18 – 35 as people still establishing or changing careers. 

Career Outcomes

Students who complete this course may be able to seek employment as:

  • Computer technician
  • IT customer support
  • Help desk, network support technician
  • ICT sales representative
  • PC Support
  • Assistant IT manager
  • Assistant system manager
  • Internet/intranet administrator
  • Internet/intranet systems administrator
  • Systems administrator Job roles and titles vary across different industry sectors

Education Pathways

Potential employment options are in a range of IT related roles.  

Students who complete this course may wish to continue their education into a range of advanced diploma qualifications such as the ICT60220 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology. 

Course Progress

Note that for international student’s satisfactory course progress is required in order to meet visa requirements. More information can be found in the International Student Handbook that also includes information on the specific support that is available to international students. Students who are identified as being at risk of not meeting course progress requirements will be provided with additional support as recorded in an intervention strategy.

Enrolment and Orientation

Upon acceptance of a student’s application for enrolment, a letter of offer, as well as a written agreement and tax invoice for remaining fees, will be forwarded to students. Students must read through all provided information as it will provide all necessary information about the course of study. A Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) letter will be issued once the signed acceptance of the offer and written agreement are received. The first day of each course will include orientation and induction. Orientation will include information about the campus, living in Australia, accessing our support services and methods for achieving success throughout the course, including course progress requirements.
This course outline should be read in conjunction with Southern Academy of Business and Technology Student Handbook.

Additional Support

Southern Academy of Business and Technology provides learning and welfare support to ensure a supported and successful learning environment for all students. Support arrangements are detailed in the Student Support Policy and Associated Procedures and details of all student support services are included in the Student Handbook and provided to students at orientation. Students’ course progress is monitored throughout the course as per our Course Progress and Attendance Policy and Associated Procedures.

Training Arrangements

The following facilities, equipment and resources will be used to deliver and assess this qualification:  

  • Training rooms, including desks, chairs, whiteboard, and overhead projector 
  • Computers with Microsoft Office and access to the Internet. 
  • Learning and assessment materials as outlined in this TAS. 

In addition, all students who are undertaking the ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology must have the following resources while in class.  

  • A laptop that is installed with Microsoft Office or similar. 

Assessment Arrangements

Assessment will occur through a variety of methods, including projects incorporating role-plays, case studies, observations, and short answer questions.  

Assessment conditions will ensure a simulated workplace environment for classroom-based assessment.  

Assessment tasks:  

  • Reflect real life work tasks. 
  • Are required to be performed within industry standard timeframes as specified by assessors in relation to each task.  
  • Are assessed using assessment criteria that relate to the quality of work expected by the industry. 
  • Are performed to industry safety requirements as relevant. 
  • Utilise authentic workplace documentation. 
  • Require students to work with others as part of a team. 
  • Require students to plan and prioritise competing work tasks.  
  • Involve the use of standard, workplace equipment such as computers and software. 
  • Ensure that students are required to consider workplace constraints such as time and budgets. 

Course Credit

Students may apply for recognition of existing qualifications or skills, knowledge, and experience (credit transfer or recognition of prior learning). The granting of course credit may affect course fees, as well as the duration of the course.  

This process is outlined in Southern Academy of Business and Technology Student Enrolment and Completion Policy and Associated Procedures and Training and Assessment Policy & Associated Procedures. 

Selection and Enrolment Procedures

To enroll into this course an enrolment form must be completed. which can be emailed or posted to students or downloaded from our website. The enrolment form should be completed and then sent to us along with all of the required documentation. For more information about our selection and enrolment processes, contact us at the details shown below.

Course Guides

ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology



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