Course Progress & Attendance
Student Course Progress and Completion within Expected Duration Policy Policy
Southern Academy systematically records, monitors and assesses student course progress and takes proactive measures in notifying and counseling students at risk of not meeting course requirements. In addition, the Institute continuously monitors the workload of students to ensure they complete their enrolment within the duration specified in their CoE, and, only allow course duration extensions in certain limited circumstances. Students who do not meet course progress requirements will be reported to the Department of Home Affairs (DHA), which may result in the cancellation of their student visa.

1.1 Satisfactory course progress: Satisfactory course progress is defined as a Student achieving a competent result in more than 50% of their enrolled units in each term. Where a Student is in their final term of study, satisfactory course progress refers to the Student fulfilling all course requirements by their scheduled end date, as specified in the Student’s CoE.
1.2 Unsatisfactory course progress: Unsatisfactory course progress is defined as a Student achieving a not yet competent result in 50% or more of their enrolled units in each term.
1.3 At risk of not meeting course requirements: At risk of not meeting course requirements is where a Students falls into one of the following categories:
• If after the completion of each second unit of the program i.e. second unit, fourth unit, sixth unit etc., the student obtains a not yet competent result.
• at any point throughout the term as identified by the Students’ Trainer; or
• when a student has achieved unsatisfactory course progress; or
• when a student is in their final 5 weeks of study and has outstanding not yet competent results.
1.4 Not meeting course requirements: Not meeting course requirements is where a Student has achieved unsatisfactory course progress in two consecutive terms and has had an intervention strategy activated, with sufficient time for the strategy to run its course OR when a Student does not qualify for point 7.0 of this policy, has failed occasional units throughout the course, has had an intervention strategy activated with sufficient time for the strategy to run its course and has not met course requirements by their scheduled end date, as specified in the Student’s CoE
1.5 Academic probation: Academic probation is the consequence for a Student who is deemed as having achieved unsatisfactory course progress in the previous term.
1.6 Intervention strategy: An intervention strategy is a strategy that is devised by Southern Academy to assist a Student who is identified as at risk of not meeting course requirements.
1.7 Term: A duration consisting of 10 study weeks. Where a student commences a term late, the duration is considered to be the remaining weeks of that term.
1.8 Competent: When a Student has achieved a satisfactory result for all assessment tasks for a unit.
1.9 Not yet competent: When a Student has achieved a not yet satisfactory result in one or more assessment tasks for a unit.
1.10 Timetable summary form: A document that identifies when all assessments tasks for a program are due.
2.1 Trainers record Student academic results for each assessment in the assessment summary record form and provide feedback to students within 10 working days of the submitted assessment.
2.2 On conclusion of the final assessment for each unit, the Trainer (within 10 working days) will collate all Student academic results for the unit into the classes marking grid and will provide the complete and signed marking grid to the student services department.
2.3 The student services department will ensure that the marking grid is entered into the student management system within 14 working days of the classes final assessment task and will sign the marking grid as confirmation that all results have been accurately entered into the system.
2.4 Students are able to access their results by logging into the student portal of Southern Academy’s student management system or by completing a student document request form, available at reception.
3.1 On completion of each second unit of the program, i.e. second unit, fourth unit, sixth unit etc., the Student Services Officer makes an assessment on whether the student is at risk of not meeting course requirements. Students with one or more not yet competent results out of the two completed units and/or are in their final 5 weeks of study and have outstanding not yet competent results, will be issued with an at risk of not meeting course requirements letter. An intervention strategy will be devised and activated for these Students in line point 5.1.1 of this policy
3.2 Trainers monitor their Students’ Course Progress on a regular basis and consider the following:
• Academic results.
• Attendance.
• Intervention strategies.
Where the Trainer believes a Student is at risk of not meeting course requirements, the Trainer will inform the Student Services Manager who will send the Student an at risk of not meeting course requirements letter. An intervention strategy will be devised and activated for these Students in line with point 5.1.2 of this policy.
4.1 At the conclusion of each term, the Student Services Manager will make an assessment on whether or not the Student is achieving satisfactory course progress by pulling a report from the Institute’s student management system. Students who have achieved 50% or more not yet competent results in their enrolled units for the term will be sent an unsatisfactory course progress letter and will be placed on academic probation for the following term. An intervention strategy will be devised and activated for these Students in line with point 5.1.3 of this policy.
4.2 Students that have been assessed as achieving unsatisfactory course progress in two consecutive terms and who have had an intervention strategy activated, with sufficient time for the strategy to run its course OR who do not meet point 7.0 of this policy, have failed occasional units throughout the course, have had an intervention strategy activated with sufficient time for the strategy to run its course and have not met course requirements by their scheduled end date, will be deemed to be not meeting course requirements and will be sent an intention to report letter by the Student Services Manager (hand delivered or by registered post). The letter will advise the Student of Southern Academy’s intention to report them to the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) through PRISMS, for breaching the course progress requirements of their student visa (see point 6.0 of this policy for more information).
5.1 Where a Student is identified as at risk of not meeting course requirements, the Student will be sent an at risk of not meeting course requirements letter either by hand delivery, registered post or via an electronic method where possible. The letter will require the Student to meet with a designated Southern Academy representative (as specified in the procedures below) who will devise and activate an intervention strategy with the Student to assist him/her in meeting their course requirements. The strategies themselves can be any of the items identified in point. 5.2 of this policy and are developed based on the Students’ individual circumstances, ensuring all records of communication are recorded within the intervention strategy record form. Students are classified as at risk of not meeting course requirements if they fall into one of the following categories:
• If after the completion of each second unit of the program, i.e. second unit, fourth unit, sixth unit etc., the student obtains a not yet competent result.
• At any point throughout the term as identified by the Students’ Trainers.
• If the Student has achieved unsatisfactory course progress.
• Where the Student is in their final 5 weeks of their enrolment and has outstanding not yet competent results.
5.1.1 If after the completion of each second unit of the program, i.e. second unit, fourth unit, sixth unit etc., the student obtains a not yet competent result On the completion of each second unit of the program, i.e. second unit, fourth unit, sixth unit etc., the Student Services Officer will identify all Students who have achieved a not yet competent result by pulling a report from Southern Academy’s student management system. Within 3 days of identifying these Students, the Student Services Officer, in conjunction with the Student Welfare Officer will issue the Students with an at risk of not meeting course requirements letter (either by hand delivery or registered post), requiring the Student to have a meeting with the Student Services Officer/Student Welfare Officer within 14 days. At the meeting, the Student Services Officer or Student Welfare Officer will evaluate the Students’ individual circumstances and based on these will devise and activate an intervention strategy, recording all communication and intervention strategy details within the intervention strategy record form. The intervention strategy record form must be signed by both the Student and the Student Services Officer/Student Welfare Officer and include at a minimum, the details of the issue, the specific intervention strategies that were devised, the schedule for actions and follow up meetings, the intervention strategy objectives, and the date the intervention strategy was activated. Intervention strategies in this instance will usually consist of re-assessment, however, may also include any item listed in point.
5.2 of this policy. Note that all intervention strategies listed in point 5.2 of this policy are provided free of charge, except for point 5.2.6, 5.2.7 (where the cost is variable, depending on the costs of the service offered by the external organization) and 5.2.8 (where the cost is variable, depending on the cost of the alternative subject or course).
Once the intervention strategy is activated, the Student Services Officer, in conjunction with the Student Welfare Officer, will monitor the Students’ progress and will decide if the Student, through achievement of the strategy, is no longer at risk of not meeting course requirements. All records of communication, including meetings conducted and Student progress, will be recorded in the intervention strategy record form, and, along with supporting documentation, will be filed away in the Students’ file.
5.1.2 At any point throughout the term as identified by the Students’ Trainer, Trainers are expected to provide on-going support to their Students to assist them in meeting their course requirements. On-going support includes things such as providing language, literacy and numeracy support, providing explanations in different ways to ensure Student understanding, providing one-on-one individual support, and providing extensions to assessment tasks, provided the Student has submitted documentary evidence which meets the requirements of the Institute’s compassionate and compelling circumstances policy. Where a Trainer believes a Student is experiencing difficulties and because of the difficulties may be at risk of not meeting course requirements, the Trainer is to inform the Student Services Manager as soon as practicable. Specific triggers which could lead a Trainer to believe a Student may be at risk of not meeting course requirements include Student performance in relation to:
• Academic results
• Attendance
• Intervention strategies
Within 3 days of being informed by the Student’s Trainer, the Student Services Manager will issue the Student with an at risk of not meeting course requirements letter (either by hand delivery or registered post), requiring the Student to have a meeting with him/her within 14 days. At the meeting, the Student Services Manager will evaluate the Students’ individual circumstances and based on these will devise and activate an intervention strategy, recording all communication and intervention strategy details within the intervention strategy record form. The intervention strategy record form must be signed by both the Student and the Student Services Manager and include at a minimum, the details of the issue, the specific intervention strategies that were devised, the schedule for actions and follow up meetings, the intervention strategy objectives, and the date the intervention strategy was activated. Intervention strategies in this instance may include one or more of the items listed in point 5.2 of this policy. Note that all intervention strategies listed in point 5.2 of this policy are provided free of charge, except for point 5.2.6, 5.2.7 (where the cost is variable, depending on the costs of the service offered by the external organization) and 5.2.8 (where the cost is variable, depending on the cost of the alternative subject or course). Once the intervention strategy is activated, the Student Services Manager, in conjunction with the Students’ Trainer, will monitor the Students’ progress and will decide if the Student, through achievement of the strategy, is no longer at risk of not meeting course requirements. All records of communication, including meetings conducted and Student progress, will be recorded in the intervention strategy record form, and, along with supporting documentation, will be filed away in the Students’ file.
5.1.3 If the Student has achieved unsatisfactory course progress At the conclusion of each term, the Student Services Manager will identify all Students who have achieved unsatisfactory course progress, i.e. achieved 50% or more not yet competent results in their enrolled units for the term, by pulling a report from Southern Academy’s student management system. Within 3 days of identifying these Students, the Student Services Manager will issue the Students with an at risk of not meeting course requirements letter (either by hand delivery or registered post), requiring the Student to have a meeting with him/her within 14 days. At the meeting, the Student Services Manager will evaluate the Students’ individual circumstances and based on these will devise and activate an intervention strategy, recording all communication and intervention strategy details within the intervention strategy record form. The intervention strategy record form must be signed by both the Student and the Student Services Manager and include at a minimum, the details of the issue, the specific intervention strategies that were devised, the schedule for actions and follow up meetings, the intervention strategy objectives, and the date the intervention strategy was activated. Intervention strategies in this instance may include one or more of the items listed in point 5.2 of this policy. Note that all intervention strategies listed in point 5.2 of this policy are provided free of charge, except for point 5.2.6 , 5.2.7 (where the cost is variable, depending on the costs of the service offered by the external organization) and 5.2.8 (where the cost is variable, depending on the cost of the alternative subject or course). Once the intervention strategy is activated, the Student Services Manager will monitor the Students’ progress and will decide if the Student, through achievement of the strategy, is no longer at risk of not meeting course requirements. All records of communication, including meetings conducted and Student progress, will be recorded in the intervention strategy record form, and, along with supporting documentation, will be filed away in the Students’ file.
5.1.4 Where the Student is in their final 5 weeks of their enrolment and has outstanding not yet competent results 5 weeks prior to the conclusion of each Students’ program, the Student Services Officer will identify all Students who have achieved a not yet competent result by pulling a report from Southern Academy’s student management system. Within 3 days of identifying these Students, the Student Services Officer, in conjunction with the Student Welfare Officer will issue the Students with an at risk of not meeting course requirements letter (either by hand delivery or registered post), requiring the Student to have a meeting with the Student Services Officer/Student Welfare Officer within 14 days. At the meeting, the Student Services Officer or Student Welfare Officer will evaluate the Students’ individual circumstances and based on these will devise and activate an intervention strategy, recording all communication and intervention strategy details within the intervention strategy record form. The intervention strategy record form must be signed by both the Student and the Student Services Officer/Student Welfare Officer and include at a minimum, the details of the issue, the specific intervention strategies that were devised, the schedule for actions and follow up meetings, the intervention strategy objectives, and the date the intervention strategy was activated. Intervention strategies in this instance will usually consist of re-assessment, however, may also include any item listed in point 5.2 of this policy. Note that all intervention strategies listed in point 5.2 of this policy are provided free of charge, except for point 5.2.6,
5.2.7 (where the cost is variable, depending on the costs of the service offered by the external organization) and
5.2.8 (where the cost is variable, depending on the cost of the alternative subject or course).
Once the intervention strategy is activated, the Student Services Officer, in conjunction with the Student Welfare Officer, will monitor the Students’ progress and will decide if the Student, through achievement of the strategy, is no longer at risk of not meeting course requirements. All records of communication, including meetings conducted and Student progress, will be recorded in the intervention strategy record form, and, along with supporting documentation, will be filed away in the Students’ file.
5.2 Intervention strategies may include, but are not limited to the following:
5.2.1 Attending academic skills programs: Academic skills programs are programs designed to increase Student knowledge and skills in:
• Understanding assessment task requirements
• Delivering presentations
• Submitting assessment tasks
• Organizing their time
• Assessment task presentation
• Report writing
These programs are organized and run by Southern Academy of Business and Technology internally (outside of normal class times), are delivered by Southern Academy’s academic staff.
5.2.2 Attending tutorials or study groups: Tutorials or study groups are programs aimed to increase Students’ knowledge and skills in a unit of competency. These programs are attended by one or more Students who are experiencing difficulties with a unit of competency, are organized and run by Southern Academy internally (outside of normal class times), are supervised by an Southern Academy academic staff member.
5.2.3 Attending counseling/receiving assistance with personal issues that are impacting progress: Counselling/receiving assistance with personal issues that are impacting progress are confidential one on one sessions aimed at helping a Student to overcome any personal issue they may be experiencing. Issues include, but are not limited to, things such as financial issues, family issues, accommodation issues and home sickness etc. These sessions are organized and run by Southern Academy, are conducted by the Institute’s Student Welfare Officer, and are provided free of charge.
5.2.4 Receiving mentoring: Receiving mentoring is a strategy aimed at increasing a Students’ knowledge and skills in:
• Understanding assessment task requirements
• Delivering presentations
• Submitting assessment tasks
• Organizing their time
• Assessment task presentation
• Report writing
• A unit of competency
Mentoring is organized and run by Southern Academy internally (outside of normal class times), is conducted one on one by our academic staff or senior member of the Student Representative Council and is provided free of charge. In mentoring, the Student is provided with a mentor whom they must meet with on a weekly basis and who they are also able to access at any other time as needed (subject to mentor availability). All records of mentoring sessions must be recorded and filed away with the Students’ intervention strategy records in the Students’ file.
5.2.5 Language, literacy and numeracy support: Language, literacy and numeracy support are one on one or group classes, designed to improve a Students’ language, literacy and numeracy skills. The support is organized by Southern Academy (for either during or outside normal class times), are conducted by an academic staff member who has completed the unit TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills (or equivalent).
5.2.6 Reassessment is a strategy that provides a Student with another opportunity to demonstrate competence in a unit of competency, after being initially assessed as not yet competent. The implementation of reassessment as an intervention strategy assists the Student in meeting their course progress requirements by clearing any not yet competent units before an assessment on satisfactory course progress is made, in line with point 4 of this policy. Reassessment is organized and run internally by Southern Academy (outside of normal class times), and is conducted by a Trainer/Assessor who holds the following:
• TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment; and
• Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered and assessed; and Trainers must have a TAE40116 from 2019.
• Current industry skills directly relevant to the training and assessment being provided (at least 2 years of experience obtained within the last 5 years); and
• Current knowledge and skills in vocational training and learning that informs their training and assessment
5.2.7 Referral to external organization: Referral to an external organization is a strategy that is used when the internal equivalent service has been exhausted and it is determined that by not accessing the external service, the Student will be unlikely to satisfy their course progress requirements. These situations could include, but are not limited to:
• Extreme issues with language or literacy skills
• Extreme issues with numeracy skills
• Extreme welfare related issues
Referral to an external organization is organized by Southern Academy and varies in cost depending on the service provided by the external organization. Where compassionate or compelling circumstances exist, Southern Academy will cover up to 50% of the external service fees so as to minimize the additional financial burden to the Student.
5.2.8 Being placed in a suitable alternative subject within a course or suitable alternative course: Being placed in a suitable alternative subject within a course or suitable alternative course is a strategy that is used when compassionate or compelling circumstances exist, all other appropriate strategies have been exhausted and it is determined that it would be in the Students’ best interest in meeting his/her educational/career goals. The strategy is organized by Southern Academy, varies in cost depending on the cost of the suitable alternative subject or course and cannot be used as a means to avoid being reported for not meeting course requirements. Being placed in a suitable alternative subject or course is dependent on subject or course availability and must be agreed to by both the Student and Southern Academy of Business and Technology.
5.2.9 A combination of the above and a reduction in course load.
5.3 All records of intervention strategies will be recorded in the intervention strategy record form, and, along with supporting documentation, will be filed away in the Students’ file.
6.1 Students that have been assessed as achieving unsatisfactory course progress in two consecutive terms and who have had an intervention strategy activated, with sufficient time for the strategy to run its course OR who do not meet point 7.0 of this policy, have failed occasional units throughout the course, have had an intervention strategy activated with sufficient time for the strategy to run its course and have not met course requirements by their scheduled end date, will be deemed to be not meeting course requirements and will be sent an intention to report letter by the Student Services Manager (hand delivered or by registered post). The letter will advise the Southern Academy’s intention to report them to the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) through PRISMS, for breaching the course progress requirements of their student visa.
6.2 The Student will be advised that they have 20 working days from the date of the intention to report letter to appeal the decision.
6.3 A Student may only appeal where one or more of the following circumstances exist:
6.3.1 Compassionate or compelling circumstances (see compassionate and compelling circumstances policy)
6.3.2 Academic results were recorded incorrectly
6.3.3 An intervention strategy was not implemented or given enough time to run its course
6.3.4 This policy was not adhered to
6.4 In the event that a student lodges an appeal, the student will only be reported when the appeals process (internal, and where necessary, external appeal) has been completed and the decision maintains Southern Academy’s decision.
6.5 During the appeals process, the student must continue to attend scheduled classes.
6.6 Where a student has not chosen to access the complaints and appeals process within the 20 working days period, withdraws from the process, or the process is completed and results in a decision supporting Southern Academy, the Institute will notify the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) of the students breach of course progress requirements, through PRISMS, as soon as practicable and no longer than 5 working days from the occurrence.
7.1 Southern Academy will monitor the progress of Students (in line with point 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 of this policy) to ensure all Students complete their enrolment within their specified durations of their CoE.
7.2 Where a Student is unable to complete their enrolment within the specified durations of their CoE, Southern Academy will only grant an extension in the following limited circumstances:
7.2.1 Compassionate or compelling circumstances (see Southern Academy’s compassionate and compelling circumstances policy)
7.2.2 Implementation of an intervention strategy
7.2.3 An approved deferment or suspension of studies
7.3 Should an extension be granted, Southern Academy will provide a written letter to the student from the Director of Studies, specifying the details of the extension
7.4 The Student Services department will also ensure the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) is notified as soon as practicable and no longer than 5 working days from the occurrence via PRISMS and will issue the Student with a new CoE
7.5 All records relating to the extension of a Students’ course duration will be recorded in the student management system, with documentation retained in the Students’ file
8.1 Southern Academy will not provide any unit by distance or online learning to International Students at any time
8.2 Southern Academy will ensure that except in the circumstances specified in point 7.2 of this policy, the expected duration of study specified in the student’s CoE will not exceed the CRICOS registered course duration
9.1 Students enrolled in a package of courses, must first satisfactorily complete all course requirements of their current qualification before progressing to the next qualification
The students must maintain 80 percent attendance on their courses in each study term/ period.